- In Materials palette create a new Material and load your logo image for Color Map and Transparency Map. Select Use Alpha Channel in Transparency Map options. Note, your image must already have a transparent background for the Use Alpha Channel option.
- Select Decal tool then click on object and the Decal dialog is invoked, as shown. Note, Decal tool can be found in Rendering/Animation Workspace or with Spacebar then D key.
- In the Decal dialog click the green (+) button to create new decal.
- Click Set Material button and choose the logo image material you created previously.
- Turn ON Draw Tiles to see blue rectangle representing the location of decal.
- In Proportions pull-down menu choose Color Map to lock horizontal and vertical size ratio to prevent stretching your logo image.
- Type numeric values for Horizontal Tiling and observe the Vertical Tiling automatically updates to keep image proportions.
- Move and Rotate widget in preview window to locate decal as desired.
- Click Deselect All Faces button then click on only the faces you want to see the decal.
- Note, in this example we clicked on just the front face so the decal does not show on back face of glass.
- Click RZ button in lower right corner for a quick preview rendering. Note, must perform RenderZone rendering in modeling window to see full quality.
- Make any additional adjustments as desired then click OK button when satisfied.
- RenderZone render in modeling window to see decal. Note, decals are not visible in Shaded display modes.