1. Cake: Use Polygon tool to extrude a 12 sided polygon about 1” then use Offset Outline tool on top and bottom face. Convert to a SubD object using Subd tool with Iterations = 2. Convert to Quad Mesh using SubD Convert tool. Move/Copy to make the other two layers of the cake. Use Triangulate tool with Triangulate All Faces option on all three cake objects to triangulate all the faces.
2. Frosting: Use Polygon tool to extrude a 12 sided polygon about 1”. Reshape with Keep Edges ON to a height above the cake layers then use Offset Outline tool on top face only. Convert to a SubD object and while in Edit mode select the bottom face and set Sharpness to %100. Convert to Quad Mesh using SubD Convert tool. Use Triangulate tool to triangulate all faces of the frosting object. Boolean Difference all three cake layers from the frosting object, (note, make a copy of the cake layers before or unghost the cake layers after to keep the cake layers in your scene after the boolean).
3. Slice a piece of cake: Extrude a triangle with a height above and below the cake frosting. Convert to a SubD object and set Sharpness to about 80%. Convert to Quad Mesh using SubD Convert tool. Use Triangulate tool to triangulate all faces of the wedge object.
4. Split cake: Use Boolean Split with the Two Way option to split all the cake and frosting objects with the wedge. Note, use Shift key to multiple pick objects as a group in the Boolean tools. Move the resulting objects away from the cake.
5. Disturb normals to add an organic irregularity to the geometry: Select Disturb Normals animation tool, (found in the Animation Workspace). In Tool Options choose Faceted, turn Mesh option OFF and Split Faces At Limits option OFF, set Start Min = 0, Start Max = 0, End Min = -.125 and End Max = .125. Click on object then drag timeline marquee in TimeLIne palette between time = 0 and 5 seconds to disturb the normals between 0 and .125. When satisfied right click on this animation track in the Animation Editor palette and choose Delete to remove the animation track from your object. The current state of the deformation remains on the object. To smooth even further you can set the Smooth Shading Attribute to All Faces for this object. Repeat this procedure for all the cake and frosting objects.
6. To create the champagne glass and scatter some confetti and cake crumbs on the ground see Tip Here.
7. To create the red drizzle icing on the cake see Tip Here.