Create and 3D print a form generated from a voronoi diagram
Create a 2D shape with the Vector Line tool.
Select Point Scatter tool and click on shape. In Tool Options set Max Points, Separate By, and Setback to distribute a random set of points.
With Pick tool select all objects, (points and 2D shape). Select Voronoi tool then click a blank area. Observe a voronoi diagram is created from the seed points within the boundary of the shape.
Use Thicken tool to thicken the voronoi surface into a solid.
Use Offset Outline tool with Insert option ON to generate an additional face inside each of the voronoi cells.
Use Reshape tool to reshape each inner face through the entire form to create openings. Note, use Shift key to reshape multiple faces simultaneously.
Select Subdivision tool and click on object to smooth the faceted geometry into a smooth organic form.
Export to STL file and print on your favorite 3D printer.