Creating a simple brick arch with Place Along Path tool
Create an Arc or Spline path.
Create a single brick.
Select Place Along Path tool, click on brick, then click on path.
In Tool Options adjust the following:
Placement Method - controls # Of Copies or Distance between bricks.
Alignment - controls how bricks tilt along the path.
Start-End Distances - by default the bricks are placed along the entire length of the path. To change drag the control dots in modeling window or type values in Tool Options.
Orientation - controls location and rotation of bricks to the path. To change drag controls in modeling window or type values in Tool Options palette.
To create mortar between the bricks Sweep a 2D shape along the same Arc or Spline Path.
Optional: Boolean Difference the Bricks from the mortar to create separate mortar objects between each brick.
Apply different brick and mortar materials as desired.