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Create an animated view from existing views with Animate Entities tool
- Save some views in Views palette by clicking green (+) button to save active window to a view.
- Make views visible in modeling window by clicking 3rd column of Views palette, (an eyeball icon appears).
- Zoom out to see a bird’s eye view of your views.
- Select each view in the proper order using Pick tool or click the 2nd column in Views palette, (a red checkmark should appear).
- Click on the Animation Workspace icon to see the animation tools.
- Select Animate Entities tool then click a blank area and the Animate Entities dialog appears. Leave everything at defaults and click OK button.
- A new animated view is automatically created and added to the Views palette.
- Make all other views invisible, (no eyeball icon).
- Optional: In Animation Options palette turn off Show Keyframes to make grey keyframe camera positions invisible.
- Make the new animated view active by clicking the first column, (a red dot should appear).
- Click Play button in Animation TimeLine palette and enjoy your walkthrough animation.