In Views palette click green (+) button to create new view.
Make camera visible by clicking eyeball icon next to view name.
Click Animation Workspace to invoke animation tools.
Turn OFF Show Keyframes in Animation Options palette for clarity.
Select Animate Along Path tool, click on Center Of Interest COI of camera, then spline path.
Select Animate Along Path tool, click on EYE Point of camera, then other spline path.
Click Play button in Animation TimeLine and observe camera follows paths.
To edit the path simply Show Controls of spline and move controls to desired shape and the camera remains animated along the paths.
To view what the camera sees make the animated camera your active view by clicking the first column next to the view name in the Views palette, (a red dot should appear).
To generate a movie select Generate Animation from Display pull-down menu to invoke Animation Generation dialog, set rendering Display Type and video Format etc., then click Generate Animation button.