Bring your design to life in Twinmotion
Use Twinmotion’s asset libraries to quickly add context and realism to your project. Drag-and-drop from the thousands of included materials and entourage objects, including Smart Assets like trees that grow, doors that automatically open, and animated pedestrians and vehicles that will follow a path you define. Set up skies, weather effects, and lighting effortlessly.
The best part is that rendering is done live. High-quality images and animations have never been this fast. You can even present your project as a live walkthrough right in Twinmotion. For projects requiring more accurate lighting effects, there’s an easy to use path tracer rendering option.
Direct Link with form•Z
Form•Z integrates with Twinmotion out of the box on both macOS and Windows. It’s easy to export your project to Twinmotion using the included Datasmith plugin. In form•Z 10, you can synchronize your project with a Direct Link so that changes made in form•Z are immediately reflected in Twinmotion.