- 1. Select object with Pick tool and choose Info tab in Tool Options to verify the object is “smooth”.
- 2. In Tool Options select Attributes tab and choose Display Resolution. In this example the smooth object has 87,915 facets using the default Display Resolution with Simple = %50. (Note, only facets are shown in image for clarity).
- 3. Drag the Simple slider left or right to decrease or increase the number of facets. Or select the Scheme option and choose one of the pre-defined scheme options from the pull-down. If you need to customize your faceting parameters choose the Faceting Schemes option and a dialog will open allowing you to adjust and save your own custom settings. In this example we customized the Display Resolution and the object now contains only 13,418 facets. (Note, only facets are shown in image for clarity).
- Note, reducing the Display Resolution does not affect RenderZone renderings since the renderer uses the smooth part of the surface. The Display Resolution does affect Shaded Work/Full display since this renderer uses the faceted part of the surface. If you Convert or Export a smooth object as facetted the current Display Resolution of the object will determine the resulting facetted object. To control facetting for 3D Printing see Tip Here.