1. Right click on tool icon and choose Set Shortcut to modify shortcut for that tool.
2. Option + Cmd key (Mac) or Ctrl + Alt (Win) on pull down menu item to change shortcut for menu item.
3. In Palettes pull-down menu select Quick Keys to access a floating palette of commonly used shortcuts.
4. To access all shortcuts select Key Shortcuts from Edit pull-down menu to invoke the Key Shortcuts Manager dialog. To add a new shortcut first select a Category, then an Entry, then click green (+) button and enter you desired shortcut.
5. To see a list of all shortcuts select List Shortcuts button. In the Shortcuts List dialog that is displayed use the Sort by Modifier option and click on any modifier column to sort the list.
6. Shortcuts are automatically remembered by formZ. Optional: If you would like to Save or Load a .sct file, (which is a file that contains all your shortcuts), use the Save/Load buttons located in the Key Shortcuts Manager dialog.
7. Optional: To export your key shortcuts to a .cvs text file for external use select the Export button in the Shortcuts List dialog from shortcut tip 5. Note, you can’t load .cvs text files into formZ.